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To take online action on this alert, please click onthe UN missions below -- this service will send your email as a FREE FAX. The limit for this service is 5 messages per day, so please return and do this again tomorrow with 5 more of the missions! Be sure to cut, paste and then modify the letter below before you send your email. Thank you for supporting Tibet.

UN Missions to contact:

Antigua and Barbuda
Costa Rica
Dominican Republic
El Salvador

Saint Kitts and Nevis
Saint Lucia
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
Trinidad and Tobago

Please cut, paste and modify this letter into the body of your email.

Your Excellency:

I am writing to respectfully request that your government support Tibet Justice Center's (TJC) accreditation to the WSSD and vote no on China's No Action Motion. TJC is a legitimate participant in the environment and development field, and I believe the Chinese government's objections to TJC's application are unfounded.

In a recent letter faxed to all delegations at the UN, China stated:

1. "TJC's primary objective is to split Tibet from China."

2. "[TJC] has never participated in any sense and has never made any contributions whatsoever to the development of Tibet..."

3. "...the real purpose of all of [TJC's] activities... is to slander the Chinese Government through distorations and fabrications."

In response, Tibet Justice Center has stated:

1. TJC supports the right of the Tibetan people to self-determination, as enumerated in the United Nations Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and the Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights.

2. TJC is a member of the World Conservation Union (IUCN) and has twelve years of experience in environment and sustainable development issues. We provide policy analysis and advocacy related to water use and trans- boundary water management, environment and human rights, women's and children's issues, and corporate accountability.

3. The real purpose of TJC's participation in the WSSD is to continue the productive dialogue begun at the 1996 World Conservation Congress in Montreal, and continued at the second Congress in Amman in 2000. At both Congresses TJC and China successfully negotiated agreements on water resource management issues.

This matter will be raised for consideration at the 3 p.m. Plenary Session on Friday, April 5th. If China believed the claims that it has made against TJC, it would call for a vote on the merits of TJC's application for accreditation, and not hide behind a procedural maneuver to prevent other nations from judging TJC on its work.

This is a World Summit on Sustainable Development, not China's summit. The mandate of the United Nations is to protect and promote human rights for all. The United Nations should stop allowing China to bully them into doing just the opposite.

I urge you to do what is right and vote NO on China's No Action Motion.

Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to your positive response.


[ photo | nancy jo johnson ]

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