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i n t e r n a t i o n a l   o l y m p i c   c o m m i t t e e

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Juan Antonio Samaranch
C/o International Olympic Committee
Case Postale 356
Chateau de Vidy
1007 Lausanne, Switzerland

Dear Mr. Samaranch,

I am writing to urge you to oppose Beijing's bid for the 2008 Olympics. China has brutally occupied Tibet for more than fifty years, and regularly detains and tortures both Tibetans and Chinese for peacefully expressing their beliefs. A country that flagrantly violates international laws in this manner should not receive the distinction of being an Olympic host.

Since China invaded and annexed Tibet in 1949, more than 1.2 million Tibetans have died from famine, imprisonment, torture and execution. In Tibet today there is no freedom of press, speech, assembly or religion, and Tibetans are now facing the most serious crackdown on their religious freedom in years.

It is inappropriate for China to host the Olympic games while its government is persecuting people for adhering to their cultural traditions or expressing their views. While China speaks loudly of its economic and social development in recent years, the government has made no progress whatsoever on its treatment of human rights. "Social stability" in Tibet is enforced by at least 300,000 Chinese troops. Although ideally the Olympics might be outside the sphere of politics, China's bid is most certainly not. Approval of China as host of the Olympics would signify approval of its brutal authoritarian regime and its occupation of Tibet.

Since western countries began expanding trade relations with China, while de-linking trade and human rights, Tibet has experienced the most severe oppression since the Cultural Revolution, and religious tolerance inside China has also deteriorated. Although China has signed the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, it has not ratified either one. It is clear that when the international community does not specifically consider human rights in its relationship with China, intolerance and repression only increase.

It would be unjust and irresponsible to give China the internationally recognized privilege of hosting the Games, given its government's occupation of Tibet and disregard for the human rights of its own people. Until China leaves Tibet, it does not deserve the honor of hosting the Olympic games. Please support human rights in China and Tibet and vote against China's bid in July.
