a k e a c t i o n
Things You Can Do to Help Free Tibet
Join us in our international campaigns
The Tibet movement and friends, after a year of intense campaigning,
succeeded in stopping a proposed World Bank project to transfer 58,000
Chinese into Tibetan nomadic lands, stopping a project that Tibetans
inside the region had called "a death sentence". After less than three
months of international efforts we succeeded in creating enough controversy
around the PetroChina IPO, that this Chinese government-owned oil giant's
New York and Hong Kong Stock Exchange offering earned the government
$7.3 billion less than originally anticipated. So we can win! Click
here to go to find out more about our campaigns and how you can help.
Boycott Goods Made in China
Your money supports the companies you are buying from. Many industries
in China are state-owned, and prison labor is a driving force in the
Chinese economy. By supporting the Chinese government, you are supporting
their human rights abuses and occupation of Tibet. By refusing to buy
goods made in China, and telling shop owners why, you are helping to
free Tibet. Click on the icon below for more

Write letters to help free political prisoners
Tibetan political prisoners have been freed, and treated better in prison,
because of letters written on their behalf. Your letters do make a difference.
For info on political prisoners
you can help.
Raise Your Voice
Writing to the press helps expose the issue of Tibet to the wider public.
Writing to your government officials exercises your power as a citizen
to influence their dealings with the government of China. For a US database
of government officials and local press, please see http://congress.nw.dc.us/savetibet/index.pl
Join USTC or a local Tibet support group
With your support the Tibet movement can grow even stronger, and Tibet
photo |sonam zoksang ]
U.S. Tibet Committee | 241 East 32nd Street | NYC 10016
tel 212 481 3569 | ustc@igc.org
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